Sunday 29th September 2024
From 5.30pm
A Social Undertaking
25 Gresham Street, Adelaide (off Hindley St)
The first Spoke N Slurred at our new, temporary home at the fantastic laneway bar – A Social Undertaking.
** Spoken word OPEN MIC
** FREE entry
** Book raffle
** Booze, booze and more booze
Guest performer: Apolo
APOLO god of prophecy, music and healing, offers his wisdom as a link between gods and man alike. With an intellect as far reaching as the arrows shot from a silver bow, he is said to be the first god to teach mortals the healing arts including that of poetry. It is thought that he is to help humans achieve their full potential with his gifts of enlightenment. When man journeyed to the heavens, they fittingly named their mission to the moon Apolo, after the god who inspired mankind to reach for the stars.
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