Friday 17th March 2023
7:30 – 10:30 pm
Broadcast Bar
66A Grote Street, Adelaide
Join us for THE essential Paroxysm gig of the year. The launch of the second book of Kerryn Tredrea poetry, ‘this is no ordinary rapture…’
Launched by Heather Taylor-Johnson + spoken word from Nadia Patterson + tunes from an acoustic El Bottle O Paradiso.
FREE entry.
Books $15 on the night.

“Kerryn Tredrea writes about lust, madness, loneliness and connection as if they were the same thing. Tethered to her distinctive voice is a poetry donning worn-out doc martins keeping step with junkies, the poet insisting i find my window of opportunity / and look through to the red light district. Her style is consistent, and as she recognises risk-taking and mistake-making as a part of life, she comes out a sage: everything has / the smell of coffee / about it / and the feeling of / a biting snake, / sharp / and to the point.” – Heather Taylor-Johnson
Click here for the Facebook event.
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