Round 3 of the Paroxysm Press Showcase Series!
Saturday 2nd March, 2019
7:00 – 8:30pm
Broadcast Bar
66A Grote Street, Adelaide
Hayden‘s poetry is a lot like online dating: has tried a few things but can never settle down with the one. Inspired by life and rap music, loves a bit of word play.
A feminist ode enthusiast and Australian Poetry slam alumna, Ashlee is the epitome of an Instagram poet who likes writing love letters on white backgrounds. With a penchant for writing poetry based around vaginas and/or tequila, Ashlee was hailed by Cat Lady Weekly as the “One to watch, 2018.”
Hop Dac is a writer and editor who has worked with Kill Your Darlings, the Australian Crime Writers Association, and of course, Paroxysm Press. He’s currently writing a speculative fiction novel. He has recently had to move to Geelong, which isn’t as shit as he first thought.
Peach seeks to tell the truth and doesn’t mind lying on his way there. 2017 saw Peach release his first book of poetry, ‘When We Were Young’, and last August he featured at the Perth Poetry Festival. This is the second time Peach has lined up for a Paroxysm Fringe event.
“I like to think of my performances as a small over-priced tub of Ben’n’Jerry’s Chunky Monkey. I don’t imagine that helps but I find it funny”. Steve Smart.
Piers Diprose is an undercover FBI agent masquerading as a singer songwriter. He has been entrusted the top secret mission of supervising crash-landed mars girl Amelia Walker, and acclimatising her to the ways of the human race. A feel-scared comedy the whole family would do best to avoid. Rated M15+ for questionable themes and occasional coarse language.
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