Nadia Patterson at Spoke N Slurred

Nadia Patterson. pic: Ian Gibbins

Sunday September 26th
from 5:30pm

Broadcast Bar
66A Grote Street, Adelaide

>> FREE entry 
>> Open mic 
>> Book raffle 
>> Cheap booze

Nadia Patterson was a first timer at Spoke N Slurred four years ago, and has since been a friendly face as she makes her name across town at various open mics ever since. She has been writing short stories and poetry since she was a kid on the west coast of South Australia, and since joining us here in the big smoke she has been published by the likes of Porridge Magazine, Tunnel Vision and was the winner of the 2020 Mindshare Awards in the Published Established Poets category. Along with her words Nadia creates art pieces of different mediums as a visual accompaniment to her poetry which you can find on Instagram at @fastwords223. Nadia has been a regular feature across different Paroxysm events since she first attended those four years ago, and she’s back at it this month at Spoke N Slurred with some new works to evoke all kinds of emotion. It would be a shame for you to miss it.

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