Sunday 24 March 2024
from 5.30pm
[ one week early due to Easter ]
Broadcast Bar
66A Grote Street, Adelaide
Book raffle
Cheap booze
Liam Wooley is an emerging musician and poet currently living in Tarntarnya (Adelaide), South Australia. He writes and speaks to anyone who’ll read and listen about a range of different topics, including but not limited to love in all its forms, the process of writing, human rights, and living despite, at times, the best efforts of your body. He’s currently taking time off regular work for health reasons and hasn’t updated his resume in a while, but when he does it’ll include things like “former reader of books during English class that weren’t on the syllabus”, “maker of new friends on public transport”, and “hopeless romantic”, and he will forever defend putting that last one in the “strengths” paragraph. He had one poem published in a journal at 16 and nothing since, but is looking to publish a collection of his work some time in the near future.
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