Chris Jaksa at Spoke N Slurred – 2021!

Okay, 2020 you win!

Spoke n Slurred returns
Sunday, 31 January, 2021
5:30 PM – 9:30 PM 

Broadcast Bar
66A Grote Street, Adelaide


Open Mic
Book raffle
$6 beer
$5 bourbons and vodkas

Click here for the facebook event.

Chris Jaksa is new to the scene but has already blown us away by taking out the #2 spot in the SA leg of the Australian Poetry Slam and finishing in the top 5 of the Australian Poetry Slam final streamed on-line.

Let’s all hope for a better new year and we’ll see you then.

BUT it’s a great time to get back to our ‘Lockdown Facebook group‘ to post us your spoken word…

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